Monday, June 12, 2017

Learning at home

Mulberries have been concentrating on East Harling buildings and maps for their homework. Look at their amazing work!
Eleanor's house! 

Building work at Olivia's
A home for the future and an ideal garden.
St. George's Distillery!

Do you recognise this map?

Forest school skills

The tools have been put to good use again today, to make some might fine snakes and necklaces! Look at our skilled work when whittling and sawing!


Friday, June 9, 2017

Inspired by The Incredible Book Eating Boy

After writing a new middle part for his Incredible Book Eating boy story, we were inspired by Oliver Jeffers to create our own collages. They have made our new classroom look very cheerful! 


We have been practising our skills with tools, to whittle and saw, so that we could make our snakes. We loved it! What do you think?